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Weight Loss Archive

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Diet and exercise for lossing weight (1)

The first three steps, however, are most in need of mental preparation.
Here's how to identify where you are in the process - and to take the
necessary steps to make your goal a reality life.

Step 1:
Precontemplation. You are here: if you have the nagging feeling that
you really need to, say, start exercising and eating better. But delay
rules. Where should you start?

How to move to Step 2: Tune
in to your apology. When a friend invites you to a yoga class, how do
you respond? Do you decline the invite, blaming a busy schedule? Your
back pain? Face your apology is the first step toward overcoming them.

Tally the benefits of change. If you lost weight you reduce your risk
of heart disease, diabetes and hypertension. You also want to increase
your energy, to feel more attractive and fit easily into your clothes.
The increase in the status quo? Case closed.

Ask for help.
Let your friends you fight with your decision and you pushing is
exactly what you do not need. What is helpful: gently outlining your

Step 2: Contemplation. You are here if: You know
that you have to change your behavior, but do not know how - and you
are still afraid to fail.

How to Move to Step 3: Check. Read
articles and books on the new habit you want to cultivate. For example,
the cardio not only burns calories but helps prevent memory loss. Also,
get a reality check from your doctor: Contrary to your husband, who may
not mind the 30 pounds you gained, your doctor must tell you frankly
about how being overweight can harm your health.

Work by
ambivalence. When we fall back on a familiar excuse, ask yourself, Is
this true? Is it that you do not really have time to prepare, in fact,
when you watch reruns of "Law and Order", twice a week? Connect your
interest in changing something with you value - for example, if
dropping 20 pounds means that you have more energy to join your husband
and children on their annual ski trips.

Soak your feet in
the water. Want to start a walking program - someday? Give it a try, is
now going for a short walk to see how it feels. "It's like warm up your
engine," says Prochaska. "By taking these small steps, you will be
motivated to launch your plan."

Step 3: Preparation.

You are here: if you are willing to undertake the hard work necessary
to, for example, lose weight, fitness or better manage stress - and you
are taking small steps to commit to the effort for at least six months.

Move to the starting line: Make room for your goal. You may
need to rearrange your children, schedules or delegate certain
household responsibilities. Then pencil in the kitchen, exercise or
meditating on your daily calendar just as you would for a meeting, said
Maryann Troiani, a psychologist in Barrington, Illinois, and co-author
of "spontaneous Opti-mism.

Draw a plan. If you are going to upgrade your diet, if you should happen to see a nutritionist? Stock up on some food?...

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