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Monday, March 24, 2008

A Time for lifting heavy loads (Health Care)

I had no stomach stapling or surgery
(although I think it's OK). I did it to the former with diet and

I felt a little cursed grow. Why me? Why? I ate
too much, and he did not get enough exercise. I spent too many hours
watching television. These days I see people fat everywhere, but you
can not live other people's lives for them. Most do not fully
comprehend the consequences and the terrible end that can be made from
this lack of personal responsibility.

I believe that
everyone has the right to health care universal. I also believe that
everyone has the responsibility to take care of themselves. Coverage of
health care is expensive, but it is even more so by those who ignore
the fact that the consequences of their behavior are not private
matters. It is others who have in one way or another have to foot the
bill for their "lifestyle" choices.

I feel pretty good for a
guy my age (53). I exercise every day last summer and rode my bike back
and forth to work every day in August that there was no rain. I grew to
love walking. It's a great way to relax after work. My city, Vancouver,
has some great places to walk through proper planning of the city. I
would not have lost weight so easily if they had not built an off-road
trail right on the way to my place.

Toot not my own horn
(too late, I know), but I decided to eat right and exercise. It is
possible, desirable and very pleasant to take responsibility for your
own life and health. The basis of any universal health care should be
personal responsibility and autonomy as much as a person can muster.
Any plan that only forwards trying to pay for health care is to miss
the point. The fact is that you can not buy health. You have to be
built, as you build a highway, a bridge, a career, a friendship, a
marriage or a lifetime. There are many more problems with our health
care than being overweight, but, as for tobacco, it is a preventable
cause of premature death and disability...

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