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Weight Loss Archive

Monday, March 24, 2008

Hollywood's secret of diet food

Nowadays it is difficult to
find a lot of body fat in Hollywood. Today, the stars are slim and
toned, whittled within an inch of their lives.

If you press
their slimming secrets, celebrities often rave about their "good"
genes, their affection for junk food, or simply say that their secret
to staying thin revolves around their children. But here's what you
need to know: "Many of them are lying.

Celebrity trainer
Gunnar Peterson, who has trained Angelina Jolie, Jennifer Lopez and
Penelope Cruz, said: "I was an actress training with me four times a
week in addition to daily exercise-bike classes."

When asked
how she had "transformed" his body, his reply was: "Oh, I do yoga and
hiking with my dog," he says. "It makes me laugh," said Peterson. So
the next time you see a pin-thin celebrity extolling his relaxed
approach to eating...

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