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Thursday, June 12, 2008

Whatcha Eatin? - Weds 6/11

Here's my day: Breakfast 1/2 cup egg beaters (southwestern) - 1/1 2 strips of Morning Star breakfast strips - 1/2 black coffee - 0/2 Snack (if desired) banana - 2/4 Lunch Amy's grilled veggie bowl and rice - 5/9 WW yogurt - 1/10 Snack WW 1 pt bar - 1/11 Dinner I'll be late tonight so probably will do a frozen Smart Ones for about 5 pts - 5/16 asparagus or green beans - 0/16 1/2 cup SF vanilla ice cream - 2/18 Banana - 2/20 strawberries - 1/21 FF whip cream - 0/21 I

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