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Weight Loss Archive

Friday, May 30, 2008

Great Ways To Shave Off 100 Calories Everyday

An extra 100 calories everyday in a year could lead to a weight gain of 1 kg on average. Doesn't sound like much, but think what happens after 10 years! So if you can cut 100 calories everyday starting now, you can keep your weight under control over the years. By cutting out 100 calories daily (in excess of what you need) and maintaining the same energy usage, you can shave off 3 kg in one year. You can also do that little extra to burn the calories off. With these tips, you'll see it's not difficult at all. Remember to balance your intake - so, after eating junk food, reduce the portion size of the next meal to compensate the calories consumed earlier. Eat fruit, which is rich in minerals and fiber, to stay full and reduce cravings

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