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Weight Loss Archive

Saturday, June 28, 2008

motivation for Fatcats and possibly for chumlies of Fatcats!

Monday- Nope. Tuesday-Gym warm up with 1000 metre row, 4 min 32 seconds. Set up deadifts at 40k, two set of 5 Upped the weight to 52.5k did a single set of 6, No loss of form and no stupid curve of the spine at this weight, so yay! Next week I"m going back up to 60k and we'll see. I'm finding the hook grip way more secure for the heavier lefts, even if it feels sort of strange. Front Sqats using 8k bar. 40 of the buggering hateful things. 24k push press, 4 set of 10, which interspac

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