Dear Online Friend,

How are you today? Can you picture yourself just 2 days from now a Healthier, Slimmer, More Vibrant You?

If you're really looking for information about Weight Loss, congratulations what I've written on this page will be the answer for your weight loss problem…

Weight Loss Archive

Saturday, May 24, 2008


I went to bed last Sunday night in the knowledge that I’d be waking up in the morning determined to lose some weight for the summer. I had it in my head that I was going to cut out all carbs for a week just to give myself a head start on my healthy eating plan, but what I didn’t expect was to be saying “Sod it, I may as well give up drinking and smoking as well!” So, the first three days of the week saw me chewing nicorette gum like a woman possessed, drinking tea with no sugar (yuk), eating mo

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