Dear Online Friend,

How are you today? Can you picture yourself just 2 days from now a Healthier, Slimmer, More Vibrant You?

If you're really looking for information about Weight Loss, congratulations what I've written on this page will be the answer for your weight loss problem…

Weight Loss Archive

Friday, May 23, 2008

Proof, yet again, that people from the internet don't always kill you.

(Because when we went to the YPD 5K I did not have a memory card in my camera, and it doesn't function without it, here's proof that I was actually there.) You can tell we aren't really sweatin', because we were way too content. Next year, if we do this or any other "race" again, there may be actual panting, sweating and dying. That's Miss Jennifer on the left and her babies, chillaxing. My baby was about a half-mile up the road, where Dad had taken off with her in an umbrella stroller ju

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