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Saturday, September 27, 2008
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Friday, July 25, 2008
Article of the Week: Top 10 Reasons To Do Pilates For Life
Top 10 Reasons To Do Pilates For Life: Issues like lack of core support, pelvic instability, muscular imbalances, poor posture, and lack of body awareness all effect back health. They are also issues that the Pilates method specializes in helping people improve. Pilate is based on six principles: centering, control, flow, breath, precision and concentration. Combing these 6 principles is the key to a quality Pilate's workout. 1. Improves Muscle Tone - Pilates exercises help to strengthen and tone muscle and bone by using your own body weight. Anytime you add muscle to your body you stimulate your metabolism, which, in turn helps to decrease your body fat by burning calories and fat.
webmaster@womenfitness.net Thu, 17 Jul 2008 12:00:00 GMT
Source: http://www.womenfitness.net/top10_pilate_reason.htm
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Sunday, July 20, 2008
Article of the Week
Adding ""Tastants"" to Food May Promote Weight Loss: Boosting the flavor of your food with calorie-free seasonings and sweeteners may help you feel fuller faster and decrease the amount you eat, according to a U.S. study that suggests this may be a new way to help people lose weight. ""Tastants"" -- are substances that can stimulate the sense of taste. In a recent study which comprising of 2,436 overweight or obese people were asked to sprinkle a variety of savory or sweet crystals on their food before eating their meals. They used the salt-free savory crystals on salty foods and used the sugar-free sweet crystals on sweet or neutral-tasting foods. The participants didn't know what the flavors of the crystals were, other than salty or sweet. The hidden flavors of the savory tastants were cheddar cheese, onion, horseradish, ranch dressing, taco, and parmesan. The flavors of the sweet tastants were cocoa, spearmint, banana, strawberry, raspberry and malt.
webmaster@womenfitness.net Thu, 10 Jul 2008 12:00:00 GMT
Source: http://www.womenfitness.net/flovouring_weightloss.htm
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Saturday, July 12, 2008
Article of the Week: Managing Insomnia
Managing Insomnia: Trouble sleeping - either falling asleep or staying asleep - is a common problem that affects everyone at some time. There is no ""normal"" amount of sleep. Some people need ten hours a night, while others do well on as little as four hours of sleep. Symptoms: Lack of sleep creates daytime fatigue, irritability, and difficulty coping. It is one of the major causes of auto accidents. Causes: Insomnia is a symptom with many different causes: - sleep phase disorders (such as sleep apnea), - restless legs (common after age fifty), - too much noise or light, and - lifestyle factors (lack of exercise, erratic hours, too many supplements before bed, or misuse of drugs). Common causes are: - Plain old worry, - Depression. - Too much caffeine, and - Menopause.
webmaster@womenfitness.net Thu, 3 Jul 2008 12:00:00 GMT
Source: http://www.womenfitness.net/managing_insomnia.htm
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Friday, July 4, 2008
Article of the Week
Eating for high energy: The more you exercise, the more you need to eat a balanced diet. The nutritional rules still apply, but with an added carbohydrate intake. The combination of healthy food and physical exertion combats stress, encourages tissue repair, rebalances hormones and releases endorphins and encephalin. Mood and outlook should improve markedly. To boost your sporting performance, you need glucose. The body makes glucose from starches and sugars in carbohydrates, including bread, potatoes and rice and stores it in the muscles and liver as glycogen. Like everyone else, sportspeople need protein, obtained mostly from pulses, poultry, red meat, fish, cheese, eggs and seeds, and vitamins, minerals and essential fatty acids. Sufficient fluids, particularly in advance of sport, are vital. You should also drink water during (if possible) and after exercise to replenish fluids. If strenuous exercise and physical fitness are an integral part of your life, you need to think long term and consistently stick to a well-balanced but varied intake of food. Most athletes have a large and nutritious breakfast, especially on the day of an event, and eat a diet permanently rich in complex carbohydrates.
webmaster@womenfitness.net Thu, 26 Jun 2008 12:00:00 GMT
Source: http://www.womenfitness.net/eating_high_energy.htm
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Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Ask a Lesbian About Last Night’s Work Out: Break-ups, weight loss, Rebecca
It’s been a while since we last checked in with our resident Sapphic correspondents, but since the conclusion of Work Out’s third season, it’s about time we got their take on the season as a whole. 1. Marcie from Rehoboth Beach wrote in to ask: Girls, I’m going to level with you. I was really surprised that Jackie and Briana seemed to patch things up in the end. Or at least get on the road to improving their relationship. Do you think that it’ll last a year? Sam: Yeah, thats what lesbians do
6.5 KM
Tonight was the night of my big run. It was supposed to be last night, but I didn’t feel it. I also had a bit of work to finish. I started late, so I ended at about 10PM. Anyways, I felt that I needed the rest. However, tonight, there was no way that I would have been able to get out of it, even though I was looking forward to it. I have a love hate relationship with running. Today, I ate a few Chinese sausages with brocoli. It’s not the healthiest meal, but I was curious how they tasted. I w
Control (DVD, 2007, ***)
CONTROL, ANTON CORBIJN'S EXQUISITE FEATURE DEBUT is restrained, melancholy and gorgeous, a matter-of-fact collection of the facts of the hsort life of 23-year-old Ian Curtis, frontman for the band Joy Division, who hanged himself in 1979. Sam Riley is the actor who plays Curtis, and it was one of the great, great performances of 2007. The fearful, vulnerable expressions that inhabit Riley's face: the weight of two worlds, bourgeois and bohemian, resting upon his skinny shoulders, and atop that,
Reduce your salt
Getting used to the taste of food without the extra dose of salt added takes some time, but according to some experts, not a whole lot of time. The benefits of going light on the salt can be quite numerous and well worth the week of possible taste bud discomfort too. Men’s Health Magazine shed some light on the subject and included some helpful tips on how to lighten your salt load. Check it out: (more…) healthy, nutrition, weight loss
Top 6 Foods For Summer
It’s the summer, treat yourself with these foods and lighten up your diet. Forget that wacky fad diet you heard elsewhere. In fact, if you dream to look better in shorts or swimsuit this summer, the secret lies with your choice of foods and the number of calories you consumed. High-calorie dishes seems less appealing in summertime and opt for light, refreshing foods that will put that fat at bay and welcome weight loss minus the hot kitchen. Load up yourself with delicious fruits and vegetabl
Monday, June 30, 2008
Lap Band Or Gastric Bypass?
Lap Band Or Gastric Bypass? Filed under: Health Time and time again many people try only to end up failing when they go on diets to lose weight. For those who desperately need to lose the weight but are failed dieters, weight loss surgery may be what they are looking for. It would be great if surgery was a quick, easy, instantaneous solution to weight problems - unfortunately it isn’t. If you opt for something like lap banding you’ll need to be prepared to have regular check-ups so that your
Facing the music : weight and measures
Well, my “think it over†phase was longer than I’d wanted and came with a small backslide (up 2 pounds), but has left me full of new ways to approach this weight-loss lifestyle with peace and enjoyment. Sandra Ahten has a great approach to falling off the wagon - that our goal should not be to avoid those times altogether, but to have them be less frequent, less long and less deep. I think I’ve made progress on all fronts with this 10-day slipup. Other than a few noteworthy sessions with bre
Monday,June 30th
Hello everyone, happy last day of June. Yipes the year is going by fast. Oy about all the driving coming up. Looks like the gas prices went down a few cents around here. Gotta check the gas check websites to see the cheapest place where I'm going. Mom said she'll help out w/ the gas thank goodness. just as long as she doesn't distract me while driving!!! Exercise is practically going to be non existant until Wed or Friday @ this point in time. @ least I know what type of restaurant I'm going t
Goodbye, Kitty.
I said goodbye to my cat of 15 years this weekend. I inherited him from a friend in college -- a wee kitten, she had to part with him as his presence violated dorm regulations. For a while we had taken to calling him "kitty" until a roommate conferred upon him the name "Dashiki." Somewhow it stuck. I recall a time where he had escaped and was gone for weeks on end. One summer's night I was watching television when a ball of fur burst literally through the screen door, tearing across the livi
When Measurement Fails, Analytics Become Useless
I have a terrible habit. Every morning, I get on the scales to check to see if I’ve lost weight or fat. In fact, the habit is so bad that sometimes I’ll get on two or three times a morning and even through the day. Measurement is fine and good but sometimes daily measurement of small or difficult to measure changes can be frustrating and inaccurate (unless it says I lost weight â€" then it’s accurate). The other day I noticed that by simply allowing 30 minutes to lapse without doing anything, my
just like a pill
What’s your side on weight loss pills? Do you think that they work? Do you think that they’re bad for you? Well, what I think is that as much as possible, people should avoid them. It’s because, wouldn’t it be nice if you worked hard for your weight loss and not because you depended on some weight loss pill? Right?? But yeah, most weight loss pills these days are said to be effective yet there are still those of which are dangerous, etc. So my say is, be careful if you use them.
Weight Loss & Good old Exercise
I guess if that's the way to do then then I guess I need to get my shit together and do it! Oh yeah, I am talking about weight loss. I guess there will never be that miracle pill and quite frankly I don't want to take anything that is unsafe like hoodia. I just need to get back on board with what I have, well had, been doing. Eating right and exercise. That combination together has always worked well for me. I think the stress of moving has helped hamper my strength to continue thinking with my
Link roundup: Revisiting my 2008 goals edition
The year’s half over already. Thought I’d revisit what I said I’d do at the beginning of the year to see how things are going: I want a closer relationship with God. Eh, this one was convicting. I’ve listened to the Johnny Cash recording of the New Testament, but that’s about it. Nowhere close to reading the Bible on a regular basis. I want to track my finances better. I started out the year not too badly but fell into my old habits of not tracking things. I want to lose fifty pounds. Well, be
It's the Little Things That Make All the Difference
We can never take away someone else's pain, but we can certainly help to dull the edges. Now visiting my niece and nephew in Ireland, I see just how hard it is to want for a soft touch and cuddle -- from the other side. My niece and nephew and I are in many ways two sides of a coin. I feel a special closeness to them for knowing how hard it is to be reminded of a loss in the most ordinary of ways. As I wrote last December it's been two years since my nephew and niece lost their mum to cancer
Fit, Not Frail: Exercise as a Tonic for Aging
Fact: Every hour of every day, 330 Americans turn 60. Fact: By 2030, one in five Americans will be older than 65. Fact: The number of people over 100 doubles every decade. Fact: As they age, people lose muscle mass and strength, flexibility and bone. Fact: The resulting frailty leads to a loss of mobility and independence. The last two facts may sound discouraging. But they can be countered by another. Regular participation in aerobics, strength training and balance and flexibility exerc
Cure Hair Loss, Baldness Updated: 06/04/2008 #1 Home Remedies for Hair Thinning, Baldness, Male Pattern Baldness & Hair Loss "Baldness involves the state of lacking hair where it often grows, especially on the head. The most common form of baldness is a progressive hair thinning condition called androgenic alopecia or 'male pattern baldness' that occurs in adult male humans and other species. The amount and patterns of baldness can vary greatly; it ranges from male and female pattern alopecia (a
Boxer Manny Pacquiao KOs David Diaz
It’s belt number 4 for Manny Pacquiao! The Pacman sealed his place in boxing history with the win over David Diaz on Saturday, June 28, 2008, at the Mandalay Bay, Las Vegas. Even after 8 rounds, Manny still looked fierce. In the ninth round, he claimed the WBC lightweight championship by knockout. It is his fourth championship in four weight classes, already having belts in the flyweight, junior featherweight and super featherweight divisions. Image details: Manny Pacquiao v David Diaz serv
Low Carb Author and Researcher Cassandra Forsythe (Episode 154)
Hello and welcome to another great episode of the longest -running and best-loved low-carb podcast known to mankind, The Livin’ La Vida Low-Carb Show With Jimmy Moore! In episode 154, Jimmy has the honor of speaking with Low-Carb author and researcher Cassandra Forsythe. You may remember Cassandra as being a research assistant to Dr. Jeff Volick and the mentor of former LLVLC interviewee Rebecca Wilhoit. Listen in to hear Cassandra talk about: the political realities of getting a diet book
Video Games Good Therapy
While political debate rages on about the evils of video games, others are looking at this form of entertainment as therapy. While the medical field has been adapting video games for training purposes for quite sometime, Dance Dance Revolution was overlooked by the public even as schools started to incorporate it into PE curriculum. Nintendo’s Shigeru Miyamoto introduced Wii Fit to the world ushering in public awareness that video games aren’t just for entertainment and edutainment anymore. L
Fat Loss Supplements
The shocking truth about the best supplements for fat loss is, "they don't really work". I'm not convinced any supplement speeds fat loss or boosts your metabolism, or otherwise magically leads to more fat burning. I have not been impressed by supplement research or by talking to people who have used supplements. Supplements are generally worthless for boosting metabolism and burning body fat. I strongly believe all fat burning pills are useless, unless you need some caffeine to stay awake.
Lose weight fast - you can do it
Can you lose ten pounds a week? Let's look at how you can lose weight fast. Whether you want to lose 10 pounds once or until you reach a certain weight, a proper weight loss plan must include eating the right foods and getting sufficient exercise and sleep. Sleep is one aspect of losing weight that isn't often talked about, but it is as important as exercise. Researchers have discovered that two hormones that trigger appetite come into play if we don't get enough sleep. This causes us to overe
How to Become a Runner in Just 10 Weeks
It’s very easy to look at runners and think they’re somehow different to us; that they were simply born super fit - this is definitely how I’ve felt in the past. However, with a little work and determination, you too can become a runner. Many people actually think they’re too overweight, or unfit to run. However the fact is, running doesn’t have to be fast to be effective, therefore anyone can participate. The best part is that it’s completely free! Benefits of running: Boosts energy and
thick skulls and weight loss
I met a personal trainer the other day who tried to talk me into signing up with him for a workout program. For some strange reason, people seem to assume that just because I’m a workout freak, I’m looking to lose weight. I’m not fat, okay? I’m at my ideal weight and BMI and frankly, I’m a happy camper just toning her muscles and working on resistance training. Nothing wrong with that, I hope. If I were looking to lose weight, I’d be buying those hilarious Osim butt rocking contraptions and
Week One Weigh-in
Starting Weight: 86kgs Weight today: 84.5kgs That’s a good effort for the week. Bit more than what I was aiming at, but not too bad. Went into the gym every day except Saturday. Did half an hour on the bikes, averaging at about 32km/h. Towards the end, I started using the pool and sauna as well (spa isn’t working due to the gas crisis). Had a couple of lapses in my diet, where wednesday night I went out with mates, and ended up having McDonald’s at the end of the night, and last night had Piz
Throwing a Change-Up: Reshuffling the Fitness Routine MMA style…
I don’t know if I am the only one, but I absolutely-totally-understandably HATE when I hear the following words. I love you, I’m just not in love with you. Those words make my blood boil. But I have to admit, when it comes to my workouts- that about covers my current relationship with exercise. I love the idea of working out and I love the memory of past workouts, but when it comes to present workouts there is little joy top be had. And I don’t mean to imply any sense of ease when I use t
the here and now
There are certain times in a person’s life one can not “see the forest through the treesâ€. I am famous for that. Like when I had my daughter it was only when she was about a year old did I wonder out loud to my friends “you know I think I might have suffered from post partum depression when MD was bornâ€. Or how leaving the west was financial suicide we may never recover from (but at least we have the love and support of our families here) but we thought it would be just a simple easy move back
Checking in again…
Well, my mom is safely at my sister’s home outside of Cape Town. Wouldn’t you know it, I miss her already. We probably drive each other a little crazy at times, but I do know that I love her very much. When I dropped her off at that Delta terminal, I was right, I couldn’t even go in. “Only Passengers Allowed Beyond this Point†it said at the door. I helped her lug her two (hopefully not more than 50lb) suitcases onto a cart and kissed her good bye and had no choice but to drive off. Because of
for anyone who knows me the fact that I have been concerned with my weight since time began is no revelation - it’s a real part of who I am and of why I do a lot of the things that I do LOTS of therapy hours have been, and will likely continue to be, devoted to this subject but that’s not what this post is about - this post is about diets and the insanity that surrounds them Oprah and her staff have just very publicly done the 21 day cleanse as prescribed by  Kathy Freston in her book Quant
Calorie Intake
So I’ve been worried about why once I pass the 200 mark my weight loss slows to a crawl. One of the things I love about the South Beach Diet is that you don’t count calories ( I hate it and I usually eat more when I do), but since I haven’t been losing I’m going to count every once and awhile just to make sure I stayed on track. I found a formula for what your calorie intake should be to maintain your weight and then you subtrake 500 cal to lose 1 pound a week. http://weightloss.about.com/od/ea
Makeover your face…with food!
Makeover your face…with food! by Susan Mitchell @ 1:20 pm. Filed under Health, Love & Relationships, Men's Health, Psychology & Mental Health, ThirdAge Voices, Culture & Society, Aging, Elder Care, Diet & Nutrition, Weight Loss, Joints and Bone Health, Body Wellness, Stress Dr. Mitchell is co-author of Fat is Not Your Fate, Eat to Stay Young and I’d Kill for a Cookie. Listen to her weekly Internet Show on AM580 WDBO http://580wdbo.com/healthcenter/ Visit her websites: http://www.susanmi
Drugmaker seeks more over the counter regulation
Drugmaker seeks more over the counter regulation by Robert Cohen/The Star-Ledger Sunday June 29, 2008, 7:43 AM Consumers face a bewildering array of choices when it comes to weight-loss products. Check the shelves of almost any pharmacy and they're stocked with everything from SlimQuick Diet Pills, billed as the "world's first advanced fat burner," to Relacore, a pill to "get rid of body fat." If pharmaceutical giant GlaxoSmithKline has its way, many of those diet products could be yanked from
A Humorous Look at eBay's Feedback Policy
YouTube - ebay 96 Negatives turn Positive!!!!! Warning - contains language not suitable for children or some office environments. This guy is hilarious! He's created a series of YouTube videos about the new eBay feedback policy changes, and their results. Interested in the afterlife? Visit http://www.askaspirit.com. Non-scale Victories & Other Weight Loss Miracles - http://nonscalevictory.wordpress.com Please join me in my walking efforts to help support Walk Now for Autism - June 22nd http://w
Monavie is, according to the official site, a healthy blend of 19 fruits, including the acai berry which they say is one of nature’s ’superfoods’. Apparently, the monavie drink offers all the phytonutrients (whatever they are) and antioxidants that your body requires to stay healthy. Monavie also boasts the highest ORAC score (which is a measure of antioxidants) of any fruit or vegetable yet tested. It is sold and distributed through the multi level marketing method. What Is In It? As I
Pros and Cons of Taking Medication for Manic Depression
Medication is not usually used as a first line of defense against manic depression. Often, the patient has to undergo psychotherapy before the doctor will finally decide if he or she needs to take antidepressants. The reason for this is that the effects of these medications can differ from patient to patient. And these effects can either be beneficial or, sometimes, fatal to patients. Of course, the medications for manic depression are designed to cure the patient suffering from it. However, si
Cell Phones to Assist with Diet Plans
Cell phones seem to be the medium for all types of communications, everything from the typical use of a phone to sending pictures and multimedia, and even text messages. Now, automatic text messages are becoming a form of information downloads for all sorts of subjects - dating tips, diet tips, sports updates, and much more. With more than half the world owning a cell phone, it seems to be the new advertising media of choice, especially considering how inexpensive and targeted it can be. Now a
Wildcats Serious Forum #65!!! Refocus!!!
Time to refocus, Cats!! Remember why we started this journey in the first place! Try making a list and hanging it on your fridge, and let's get busy!!:) this is our serious forum, let's post and celebrate our goals and victories here! Welcome to the Wildcats serious forum. This is where you will post your goals, plans and accomplishments. This is also the place to go to give and get support. Please reserve all joking for the cheer forum as we wouldn't want serious discussions to get lost i
Grab N' Go Drama and More Casualties
After a long night of hellacious downpours, the sun is shining bright on the holler this Sunday morning. It would be perfect if I had my newspaper to curl up with, but apparently the paper carrier took the day off. I'm not even going to bother calling and complaining. My luck hasn't been all that great lately and I don't want to get the paper girl all riled up. For those of you keeping up with the weekend's festivities, Frog Pond Holler's finest was called out to the campground again yesterd
The Shocking Truth about Cardio Training
Why Cardio Doesn’t Work for Fat Loss By: Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS www.TurbulenceTraining.com Cardio exercise is such a strange thing. In theory, it should work perfectly well for all men and women, but as anyone who has tried it knows, the practicality of it just doesn’t add up. After all, some men and women do cardio 6 hours, 9 hours, or more per week, and still have belly fat to burn. On the other hand, it works just fine for others. British researchers wanted to get more insight in
Feeling Good about My Week
I tried the innovative step of staying on my food plan for the last seven days and lost a pound. But really, I didn’t care what the scale said. What mattered to me is that I just did it this week, follwing the plan without obsessing about food (seeing, tasting, eating, smelling, tracking, or regretting it). I’ve been trying hard to not navel-gaze, as my friend Phyllis calls it. It’s hard for me to do because I’ve spent most of my life worrying about food things and my frustration with my b
Here is the thread for week 14. Since we (which means I) got messed up number wise last week, it is really week 14. We won the weigh in with a 30 pound loss :) I am really excited, but I know that loss does not come easily. It takes a lot of work every week from our dedicated ROCKSTARS. Please be sure you are weighing in every week. We had a few No Shows this week, and even if these were gains or maintains, we want to support you. We love our ROCKSTARS! Is there anyone willing to take over th
been dieting for 2 months...
Hey guys/gals, Im new to this fourm so let me introduce myself, My name is Pete im 20 im 6'2 and 175lbs.I signed up to this site to get some positive feedback from other people so it can keep me mentally in the game..I started my diet about 2 months ago and it has been going great!!! When i started the diet i weighed 305 in just 2 months i lost 30lbs...No i donnot starve myself i just make sure i eat propper meals 6 times a day..The reason i eat 6(smaller) meals is so that metablisom is contino
On the right track
I’ve been putting it off for a long time now, but I’m finally taking action with this whole losing weight thing. My goal is to shed 15lbs, at least, by the time I turn 30. That’s only a couple of months away. I figured if I could lose at least 10 lbs between now and August, that should be an easy goal to reach. I don’t want to set myself up with a goal that’s too out there because I know it’ll only make me feel worse when I don’t reach it. That’s one disappointment I don’t want, or need for tha
Biting the Bullet!
I had a dream last night that I finally went to that gun class that I've been putting off. I really need to do that because whats the point of having a gun to protect myself if I don't know how to use it? Well, I DO know how, but I'm just damned scared of the thing!!!!! It was my moms and my dad gave it to me. Oh, and by the way, he did give me ONE of her necklaces last week. I guess thats progress. Its got 3 graduated pearls that hang vertically from a gold chain. I actually gave it to her abo
Superfast Weight Loss for Women
I'm sure the title has gotten your attention. Author Dean Geddes offers what he calls a "2 Fuel Tanks System" which ensures fast, efficient weight loss. Let's explore its contents. Geddes provides a compact and succinctly-versed book that tackles weight loss by finding the most efficient way to tap into fat stores through exercise and diet. The Exercise part is very particular in terms of timing, duration and intensity, while dietary information is quite thorough, but less specific. Conti
NFC V: Ed Stetzer on “Lengthening the Cords and Strengthening the Stakes, Part 1″
About Ed Stetzer: Ed Stetzer has planted churches in New York, Pennsylvania, and Georgia and transitioned declining churches in Indiana and Georgia. He has trained pastors and church planters on five continents, holds two masters degrees and two doctorates, and has written dozens of articles and books. Ed served for three years as seminary professor at the Southern Seminary in Louisville, Kentucky and has taught at fifteen other seminaries. He is currently the Director of Lifeway Research an
Repubs/Dems Urge Gov. To Come To Bargaining Table; Avoid State Workers Furlough
A Statement Via the PA House Republican Public Relations Office June 25 â€" Local Republican and Democrat state representatives and senators joined together today to show their support for tens of thousands of state employees who could be laid off by Gov. Edward G. Rendell next week if no state budget is passed. Led by Reps. Ron Marsico (R-Dauphin), Jerry Nailor (R-Cumberland) and Ron Buxton (D-Dauphin) and Sens. Pat Vance (R-Cumberland/York) and Jeff Piccola (R-Dauphin/York), the lawmakers str
Bariatric Surgery - What is Lap Band Surgery? Does Insurance Cover Weight Loss Surgery?
Loosing weight is no easy task no matter who you are, and in most cases, the ones who say that proper diet and exercise is the only way to loose weight most likely have never been overweight and realized how hard it is for someone who is morbidly obese to exercise routinely. The good new is that there are a few great bariatric procedures that assuming you qualify will also most likely be covered by your medical insurance.
Medical Minute: Amy Winehouse does not have TB, but do you?
Amy Winehouse is a sick woman. The British singer has been hospitalized in a London hospital ever since fainting at home on June 16. Winehouse was not diagnosed with the sometimes fatal lung infection Tuberculosis as some online reports suggested. But you could be infected with Tuberculosis right now and not even know it. Tuberculosis (TB) is a serious lung infection caused by inhaling an airborne bacteria called Mycobacterium tuberculosis. The bacteria usually attack the lungs, but TB bac
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Jimmy Moore Interviews Atkins Diet Expert Jackie Eberstein (Part 2)
Jimmy Moore Interviews Atkins Diet Expert Jackie Eberstein (Part 2) Posted by Jimmy Moore on June 26 in Health Jackie Eberstein answers YOUR questions about the Atkins diet If you missed Part 1 of my podcast interview with Jackie Eberstein, then you really need to go back and take a listen. She is the foremost authority on the Atkins nutritional approach today having worked alongside the late great Dr. Robert C. Atkins for nearly 30 years and continues extending his legendary low-carb legacy
Study links gastric bypass surgery to increased risk of kidney stones
Morbidly obese patients who undergo a particular type of gastric bypass surgery called Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RYGB) are at an increased risk of developing kidney stones â€" small, pebble-like deposits that can result in severe pain and require an operation to remove them â€" earlier than previously thought. These stones develop in patients within only a few months following the procedure rather than several months to years, according to research published in the June issue of the Journal of the A
Citigroup's Downgrade Sinks Markets and Financial ETFs Lower
Financial exchange traded funds (ETFs) sank lower today after a downgrade of Citigroup (C) sent the bank's shares to a 10-year low. Goldman Sachs said investors should sell the bank's stock short, reports Neha Singh for Reuters. The last time its shares had traded so low was in October 1998, when Travelers Group and Citicorp merged to create Citigroup. Goldman Sachs Analyst William Tanona said the United States' largest bank may take $8.9 billion of writedowns from the April-June period, whi
Lose Weight The Fast And Natural Way
Being over weight affects people in different ways. and can be blamed on all aspects of how we live and our daily circumstances and personal things such as self-esteem and being depressed and many other personal aspects of every day life we all understand or can relate to. To lose weight can only be a positive thing and can only bring positive energy to anyone that has a need to lose weight and want to feel better about themselves.
How to Lose 40 Lbs - My Weight Loss Story With Fat Loss 4 Idiots
How could I lose 7 pounds in just 10 days without even trying my best? I had been trying to lose weight with different diet menus in the past, all from the south beach diet to the cabbage soup diet and many more, but usually ending up with the same results every time. But then I one day found the special headline that caught my eyes. This was also how I began my journey towards losing over 40 lbs of unwanted fat.
Movie Review: 'The Dark Knight'
What can I say? There are moments in film history when everything is pushed aside and performance exceeds genre. Batman Begins told audiences and film critics it was possible to root a comic book generated superhero in reality. Earlier this year Iron Man set out to do the same but lost its balance in the final act. The Dark Knight manages to exceed expectation with a villain so maniacal, his desire for destruction begins to make sense to the point you understand his desire for all out anarchy
Caption Hunt: InsideMMA - A Challenge to Bas Rutten!
Show Viewing Date: 6-28-2008 Show Title: InsideMMA Network: HDNet Reviewed By: Mike Wilkerson - 2GuysTalking.Com Intro: What is easily one of my favorite sports review programs, InsideMMA (detailing the realm of Mixed Martial Arts - check my previous posts about this show and MMA) has sadly had several weeks featuring no captioning whatsoever. While they had added a ticker at the bottom of the screen on and off detailing the top 10 fighters in the various weight classes, and they showcase
Blood and Beer (Naughty or Nice?) - Dali, China
Jump to the full entry & travel map Dali, China Today is totally different than any other day at the monastery. To begin with, it is raining, so no-one goes to the river for a rock. Instead, I do some sun salutations with Han under the shelter at the entrance of the monastery. The monks think it is cool. We trade some stretching tips. The morals after breakfast are low and the practice session in lax. No one is in a mood to work out too hard. The sheltered space is smaller and it
Is This an Episode of Cops?
It’s the middle of the night, the baby is asleep, and there are no teenagers around to whine about needing weight loss advice when they don’t need to lose any. Normally, this is a peaceful time for me. We live all by ourselves on the end of a dirt road, and the road dead ends here, so no traffic. But tonight hasn’t BEEN quiet. Just a short while ago, here I was enjoying the peace when a police siren went off. CLOSE. I run to the window in time to see a car chase in action. And to see both the f
Lighten Up
Lighten Up 24 Jun 2008 | 06:44 pm | By Demara Every couple months I get a new issue of the Running Room magazine and in the May | June 2008 Volume 14 Issue 3. There was a really good write up entitled: "Lighten Up" on page 38, by Alexis Williams and Scott Busch. Alexis is a Registered Dietitian, certified personal trainer, multi-sport athlete and sport nutrition author. She is a frequent speaker at the Burlington Running Room location and a regular contributor to the magazine. If you liv
Age Accelerators: Steer Clear of these Foods
Age Accelerators: Steer Clear of these Foods by Susan Mitchell @ 8:56 am. Filed under Health, Men's Health, Psychology & Mental Health, ThirdAge Voices, Aging, Elder Care, Diet & Nutrition, Weight Loss, Joints and Bone Health, Body Wellness, Stress Dr. Mitchell is co-author of Fat is Not Your Fate, Eat to Stay Young and I’d Kill for a Cookie. Listen to her weekly Internet Show on AM580 WDBO http://580wdbo.com/healthcenter/ Visit her websites: http://www.susanmitchell.org and http://www.
10 Websites That Provide Valid Nutrition and Fitness Advice
I think you'll find that these sites offer tons of useful facts and lots of information. Much of the information provided by these sites may be new to you, but you can count on the accuracy of it. MyPyramid contains food and Nutrition information provided by the USDA. American Heart Association provides information which will help decrease the likelihood of cardiovascular disease, and help those who suffer from it manage their disease. Nutrition.gov provides information on meal planning,
Weight Watchers - Find the Best Weight Loss Diet Plan to Loose Weight Feel Great
Weight Watchers is a great nationally know weight loss program that you can join and become a member. The program is easy to understand and they have a great support system that will allow you to stay on track until you hit your goal weight. You attend meetings once a week so that you can stay focused on loosing weight and eating the right foods. They have a point system and a core system that you can choose from.
Word stir-fry, part one
So, if you suffer from Philodendronomatopoeia, then take Nebulous. But Nebulous isn’t for everyone. Do not take Nebulous if you are pregnant or are nursing, or may become pregnant, or may have impregnated someone, or have impregnated someone, or if you have bladder problems, dandruff, liver disease, eye, ear, nose or throat disease, glaucoma, open sores, closed sores, cold sores, hot sores, flat feet, athlete’s feet, crow’s feet, heartburn, heart ache, heart break, acky breaky heart, chest pa
Weight Loss and Hypnosis - Relax and Lose Weight
Are you dieting? If so, hypnosis can help you to both lose weight, and keep the weight off when you reach your goal, painlessly. Here are three tips for using hypnosis to help you to meet your weight loss goals. 1. Use Affirmations With Hypnosis Although hypnosis is a powerful weight loss aid when used alone, consider using affirmations to build your motivation and success. In essence, affirmations "affirm". They're positive. You state, as fact, that you've already lost weight. Here are a
So You've Had a Stroke -- Now What?
You have had a stroke. Hopefully, you went to the hospital when you developed your symptoms of weakness, numbness, altered speech or visual impairment. Your hospital care enabled you to limit the damaging effects of the loss of circulation to a portion of your brain. You've made it through the acute phase of stroke management. Now what? You will want to obtain the best achievable outcome from the impairments you already have. If you have "motor" impairments (weakness or clumsiness) you can rest
Seven Dirty Words To Die or Live By
If there’s something positive about the death of celebrities, it’s that they create opportunities to educate the average Jane and Joe Public about how an acidic lifestyle and diet causes dis-ease and disease that also affect them. In the recent cases of the great, beloved journalist Tim Russert and the iconic, counterculture comedian George Carlin, there is a window of opportunity to let people know about the risks of an acidic lifesytle and diet and how it causes heart dis-ease, which remains
Acid Reflux - Child Related Acid Reflux
It sounds bizarre but it is true that children tend to suffer from acid reflux. Under normal conditions, food passes via the esophagus and the muscle existing at the bottom part of the esophagus closes off. The process is to facilitate food and liquids to remain inside the stomach. This muscle is known as Lower Esophageal Sphincter or LES. If the LES is not able to close properly, the contents of the stomach and acid have the tendency to settle in the esophagus. Usually GER, Gastroesophageal Re
Hewitt won’t show signs of ‘weakness’ against No.1
If Lleyton Hewitt’s hip causes him problems against Roger Federer in their Wimbledon showdown, the Australian won’t give any inkling. Hewitt, the clear underdog for his fourth-round match against the world No.1 on Monday, has been playing with pain for weeks and refuses to let it interfere with his bid to ruin Federer’s run at a sixth consecutive title. “I don’t complain about injuries too much,†Hewitt said. “I think that comes from a football background, you don’t show when you’re hurt. “
Weight loss when your body wants to stay fat
Weight loss is rarely forever. If you've dieted successfully and then found that the pounds crept back on at speed, it may not be your fault. It's your body. Nashuatelegraph.com: Making sure those lost pounds don't return isn't easy reports: "The human body, it seems, is designed to sabotage weight loss at every turn â€" once a body has been fatter, it wants to get back to the weight that it used to be. Physiology is cruelly changed in two ways: The body needs fewer calories to maintain itsel
I ""Dislike**"" fat people!
**""cant have hate threads >.o"" If your fat you will be offended get over it, its for your benefit! The question is why aren't people eating healthier, the food is there... Is it because America has gotten to soft on over weight people, an now except them more easily as they say people that are "born" with the fat gene??? Fat people have over ruled our country with their fast fat ass food, an their love of over carbonated high fructose corn syrup drinks. Now I'm not saying fat people a
Size Changes And 26 KM
Well it looks like I’ve gone from an XL or L to a size S again. I don’t remember the last time that I bought shirts in that size. I can actually wear fitted shirts once more. I bought a North Face Flight Series Veloci Tee, and Eider Drycore Dakot M and Aigle Actimum Benbow (anti-bacterial, dry fast, UV control) t-shirts. All were size S.My wife had bought me an Esprit short sleeved shirt that was size M and it fit me well. I didn’t think that size S would be the same way, but I guess it does.
Yesterday sucked, all day till around 4:00pm. I woke up feeling like absolute shite - just exhausted and cranky, and I could NOT figure out why. I'd slept OK and had nothing to be stressed out or annoyed about. I was also FREEZING (*ding!* Little hint there....). It was a pretty cold day yesterday, but as usual I had the heating cranked up to "Tropical", so that wasn't it. I had an outdoor training session to do, and that sucked too. I had no energy at all, could barely lift my feet off the gro
After Before and After
In my line of work, I see a lot of “before and after†pictures. They are a stock in trade for weight loss. And, naturally, I show my own “before†picture every time I do an orientation session for new meeting members. I hope it helps people feel both connected and inspired. What I’d like them to see is that I’m just like everyone else who joins â€" a person who needed to take control of my eating. I also love “before and afters†because they make me feel like I’m not alone, and that there are ot
[NFL] Clinton Portis channels four more figments of his imagination
Clinton Portis is a wild and crazy cat indeed. One of his absolute favorite things to do is dress up like its Halloween every time he does a press conference and being the fan friendly guy that he is, Portis is allowing you to choose which reincarnation attends. Here are your choices. Bud Foxx » Occupation: Ultimate Fighter » Win-loss record: 0 wins, 17 losses » Weight class: 115 pounds, but he weighs 220 pounds » Finishing move: Cracking fingers Foxx suffered a fast defeat at the (f
Clothing rental for size-changing dieters
For dieters working to lose weight, maintaining a decent wardrobe of clothes that fit can be an ongoingâ€"and expensiveâ€"challenge on the way to a target size. With just that situation in mind, Transitional Sizes rents out name-brand clothing for temporary use while the pounds come off. Maryland-based Transitional Sizes, which just recently launched, offers women's and maternity clothing in a range of sizes for monthly rental fees ranging from about USD 3 to USD 25. (Men's clothes are coming s
Nibbles: Nerve-blocking device aids weight loss, plus pizza that’s not junk food
Trial shows promise for weight-loss device An implantable device that blocks nerve impulses between the brain, stomach and pancreas helped people lose almost 15 percent of their body weight on average during the course of a six-month trial. The vagal nerve blocking device is a bout the size of a pacemaker and is implanted just under the skin. The patient activates the device during the day to help regulate stomach function and how food is digested after a meal. Trial participants weren’t asked
Wii Fit Owners! Know Your Limit!
You see, what that dastardly Nintendo don't tell you is this - you might get used to the daily festival of fitness-related fun. You may find yourself amazed at your ability to do headstands with something approaching impunity. You may unlock most of the unlockables. You may - gasp! - lose weight. But what they won't be telling you is this: you might mistakenly arrive at the conclusion that maybe exercise is a good thing. Maybe sitting on your arse playing GTA Race while listening to On The Go
TGIF! Posted by Jake After another long week of beating back the barbarian hordes its time to kick back and relax with some choice tunage (I’ve clearly been possessed by some sort of long haired mid-seventies DJ type here, just roll with it) So kick off your shoes, let whatever hair you have left down and grab the libation of your choice as we travel back to yesteryear when polyester was king and back up vocals were smooth and sweet… Man I love that song! What would y’all recommend in
One Bill Obama Probably Shouldn’t Pay
One Bill Obama Probably Shouldn’t Pay Even as Obama has sought to politically wed himself to Hillary Clinton and her supporters one senses that he has forgotten that such a marriage comes with a rather hefty Bill; Bill Clinton that is. Even if, as a Telegraph story suggests, Mr. Obama were to figuratively buss Bill’s butt… But his lingering fury has shocked his friends. The Democrat told the Telegraph: “He’s been angry for a while. But everyone thought he would get over it. He hasn’t. I’ve sp
Article of the Week
Big breakfast diet aids weight loss: New research from Venezuela and Virginia Commonwealth University shows eating a big breakfast filled with carbohydrates and protein then eating a low-carb, low-calorie diet the rest of the day can help you lose weight and keep it off. Researchers compared their new diet with a strict low-carb diet in 94 obese women who were not physically active. Both diets were low in fat and total calories but had carbohydrates distributed differently. The 48 women on the big-breakfast diet had 1,240 calories a day 46 grams of fat, 97 grams of carbohydrates, and 93 grams of protein. They ate a 610-calorie breakfast with 58 grams of carbohydrates, 47 grams of protein and 22 fat grams. Lunch had 395 calories (34, 28 and 13 grams of carbohydrates, protein and fat, respectively); dinner had 235 calories (5, 18 and 26 grams, respectively).
webmaster@womenfitness.net Thu, 19 Jun 2008 12:00:00 GMT
Source: http://www.womenfitness.net/bigbreakfast.htm
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Economic stimulus
Last weekend, a bit bored and looking for something to do on a hot and intermittently stormy Sunday afternoon, J and I went walking at the Natick Collection, the first time we’d ever gone to a mall together. It had been some three years, J figured, since he’d been to a mall: J’s consumer tastes are simple, and when he needs things, he tends to shop online. I go to malls rarely and typically only to window-shop, shopping malls offering a conspicuous projection of our society and the thing
How To Eat Healthy Traveling - Part One
Eating healthy while traveling can be a daunting task for anyone beginning a transition to a healthier diet. Some may decide to put good choices aside when they take a trip, fly, or go camping for a week. Because I have two trips in July where I’ll be traveling in a car for 2 days to attend a personal development course in BC, and then to New Zealand for work, I thought I would take the opportunity to share how I manage eating healthy while traveling and staying on track. Travel Food First
A Teacher's Best Investment
I am not a big fan of shopping. At all. My mother will be the first to tell you that taking me shopping is not a really pleasant experience. I tend to get bored and cranky very quickly. I hate trying on clothes. Hanging out at a mall is not something I do. In fact, about the only place I enjoy shopping are bookstores and places like Home Depot or Lowes and hardware stores. I guess I inherited my grandmother's practical side. She raised three kids during the Great Depression and the Dustbowl i
Lifestyle Changes OR: How my Kitchen Sink and my Gall Bladder are Conspiring to Save the World
I am a typical American in so many ways. I battle a waistline that bulges as a result of my ready access to so many edible goodies. And I produce more than my share of carbon and other waste, as a result of my ready access to so many consumer goodies. Both my body and my carbon footprint suffer the effects of that American disease, affluenza. I'm not especially good at battling either one. I've gained weight over the years. Right now, it's probably about what it was when I was pregnant with my
Still Stunned!
I am still pretty stunned over how quickly my weight-loss surgery plans have come together. I’ll most likely be going to my all-day pre-op class on the 15th, where I’ll get the scoop on everything. I’ve also found a local message board where I’ve started to connect with people. One reason why I’m pleased with the timing is that I should be able to eat “regular†food when I go home with Thanksgiving … well, not Thanksgiving food, but it will be better than sitting there with my protein drink whi
I miss my appetite
Since being on this weight loss drug, I haven't really had any cravings at all or even had an appetite, at least not like I used to. It's doing its job. I can easily control my food intake. I feel like I'm cheating. It sucks in a way, though, cause my stomach will growl between 4 - 6 every day consistently. This is normal for me, by the way. I just can't go from 12 - 6:30 without having a snack. The problem is I have a huge problem figuring out what to snack on. The things I used to like
Angel's Rest
I thought I would post about something other than weight loss for once! For those of you waiting--the slide shows of our trip to DC are coming. We had a great time and enjoyed the break! This last Thursday we headed back out to one of my very favorite place to hike in the Columbia Gorge--Angel's Rest. It is 2.3 miles to the top with a 1,500 foot elevation gain. It is steep, but the view from the top is so worth the effort. The clouds hadn't cleared when we started up, but when we broke throug
Relay Recap
Relay Recap By Drew | June 28, 2008 The Relay for Life has ended for another year. I’d like to think that this would be the last one ever because that would mean that Caner was eradicated, but sadly it is not and it continues to hurt all of us. But the Relay was not about sadness, sure there were stories and memories and celebrations to the loved ones who have left us. But there was Hope for the future, commitment to keep fighting. I took a few photos as I walked around the track and as I
I’m Losing It
Where it equals weight. I’m losing some weight and it feels great. More on that below, but first: Hi, readers! How have you been? You may have noticed I haven’t been especially communicative lately. There’s a lot I might write about free software and culture, but for some reason I hesitate. Maybe I don’t feel confident in what I want to say. And also I’m keeping busy with other stuff. Enjoying the summer. Last year I made the big switch to Ubuntu right at the start of June and that drove a lo
Healthy Eating Facts
No matter whether we are in shape or we need to lose one hundred pounds, if you adopt these healthy eating facts as a de facto lifestyle choice, you will reap health benefits that can defy aging, cancer, heart disease, stroke, hypertension, diabetes, and a host of other ailments. Never stuff yourself. Only eat until you are satisfied at every meal. Putting your digestive system into overdrive is only going to cause you to store the excess food as fat.
Online Meal Plans
Online meal plans are a great way to expeditiously get a diet plan up and running. All you have to do is log on to the online meal plan website, where you will be presented with the opportunity to select your favorite foods. Make your selections. The website will automatically enforce its rules as you generate your plan, so that you cannot make any combination of selections that would be in violation of your diet guidelines or exceed its limits.
Managing Acid Reflux Duration Effectively
If you suffer from heartburn or other GERD symptoms, you know how important it is to be able to shorten the acid reflux duration. Though some symptoms can be practically unnoticeable, others can be uncomfortable or even painful. Therefore, the longer the acid reflux duration, the more discomfort you feel. Fortunately, there are effective ways to not only prevent GERD symptoms, but also techniques for minimizing acid reflux episode duration. Use the following methods to shorten the span of y
LA WEIGHT LOSS RUMORS: More Centers Closing
 The Pure Weight Loss and LA Weight Loss complaints site reports rumors of LA Weight Loss centers closing: They are closing more LA Weight Loss Centers which are managed by the LA Weight Loss Franchise Companies Corporate office (Under the Name of LATO- or LA Take Over). By July 11th, the following centers will be closing in Kentucky: *Elizabethtown, KY *Louisville/Hurstbourne, KY *Springhurst, KY They are also planning closings in other areas of the country, including: *Butte, NE *Linc
Controversial Weight-Loss Drug Approved For NHS Use In Britain
The controversial anti-obestity drug rimonabant, marketed as Acomplia, has been approved for National Health Service (NHS) use in the England and Wales. The National Institute for Healthcare and Clinical Excellence (NICE) has approved use of this diet drug in people who are clinically obese or people who are seriously overweight with complications such as diabetes. The drug, made by Sanofi-Aventis, is approved for sale in Britain and elsewhere in the European Union but was rejected by a U.S. Foo
Why Cardio Will Not Help You Lose Weight and Could Make You Gain!
Are you trying real hard to lose weight? Giving it your best shot? Following all the rules? Then I bet you do plenty of good quality cardio exercise, don't you? If you're really committed, you might even put in an hour each day! Gotta burn up those calories. Gotta stay in the fat-burning zone. But what if it's all just a myth? The latest research and clinical evidence tells us that cardio exercise is NOT the answer. WE've been duped!
Lose weight and get healthy
Achieving your weight loss goals can have a multitude of health benefits. So when you reach your weight loss goals, not only do you look better and feel better about yourself, thereby catapulting your self-esteem, many health problems have a tendency to evaporate along with the unwanted pounds. Losing weight will also help you to: Reduce your blood pressure, and in some cases people are able to discontinue taking their blood pressure medication. Increase your energy level, and everyone can
Dog Illness Symptoms
Dog Illness Symptoms Dog Training Dog Illness Symptoms by mark tarnsterton When you recognized that your dog is having sign of illness symptoms then it is very important that you as their owner must take quick action to prevent further pain and suffering. Before you can give effective treatments to your dog, you must know exactly what the cause of the illness first. It is always better and more accurate to check your dog illness symptoms with your veterinarian than checking by
Elisabeth Hasselbeck's Saggy Boobs At Topless Pool
The ladies on The View were discussing boobs - boobage in many, many forms. Recently Sherri Sheperd and Elisabeth Hasselbeck were at a 'optional topless' pool area while on location in Las Vegas for the show, and they talked about how intimidated they were by the watermelon like boobs on women at the pool. Elisabeth refused to go topless because, as she said, after feeding two kids with those puppies, hers just aren't the same, and are origamically folded into her bra (thanks for the 41
Weekend Link Love
A Hearty Life briefs us on a new study suggesting that our socioeconomic standing in life determines our likelihood to recover from a heart attack! Cognitive Daily is undergoing a site redesign an invites you to weigh in on the topics you’d most like to have them blog about. Conditioning Research evaluated a study by Canadian researchers suggesting that almonds may be the key to reducing insulin fluctuations. Dr. Briffa tells us why we need to keep up our Vitamin D (hint: it could save you
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Another food post
Yes, I'm still on the subject....and no, I'm not obsessed. Just working through a few things. :o) Here's the deal - after a couple of months of maintenance, my body isn't all that happy about reducing calories. I've coped OK so far, and I was actually a bit surprised that my hunger levels have been quite low. I only get seriously hungry just before the time of day when I'd usually have a meal, and that's normal anyway, whether I'm following a weight-loss plan, or eating a lot more. BUT...
7 deadly sins meme..
Wrath.. 1. Who did you last get angry with? I get angry a lot lately.. I think though with my boss - that was the last full blown angry anger. 2. What is your weapon of choice? Glaring silence.. 3. Would you hit a member of the opposite sex? Have done.. hope I never feel I have to again.. 4. How about of the same sex? No.. I don't think it's in me.. Unless UNLESS I am being tickled.. I lose all control if someone unlocks my secret ticklish spot.. 5. Who was the last pe
motivation for Fatcats and possibly for chumlies of Fatcats!
Monday- Nope. Tuesday-Gym warm up with 1000 metre row, 4 min 32 seconds. Set up deadifts at 40k, two set of 5 Upped the weight to 52.5k did a single set of 6, No loss of form and no stupid curve of the spine at this weight, so yay! Next week I"m going back up to 60k and we'll see. I'm finding the hook grip way more secure for the heavier lefts, even if it feels sort of strange. Front Sqats using 8k bar. 40 of the buggering hateful things. 24k push press, 4 set of 10, which interspac
Kareena Enters The Cover Page Of Verve
Kareena Enters The Cover Page Of Verve The actress Kareena Kapoor has been going places post jab we met and the weight loss. And one of the places she has made her mark is on the coverpage of Verge. The latest issue has the profiles of top female achievers of which, Bebo is one. The magazine though, hasn’t given any ranking. The list includes ladies like Katrina Kaif, Ekta Kapoor, Preity Zinta etc… With Kareena being the 1st choice of most of the magazine covers, looks like she’s gonna ace th
Eating Right
Eating Right 28 Jun 2008 | 12:32 am | By Demara The weight has started to drop again. Woohoo! I don’t know why I always seem to lose weight between June and September but I do. So I better eat really healthy these next 4 months so that I can drop another 40lbs, but my aim is to lose more than that. I hope to be down 55lbs by the end of September. Since this seems to be the only time I lost weight last year I might as well take advantage of it. Today I had hummus on crisp bread and LOVED
Fit Links and Weight Loss Success Stories at The Fit Shack
I’ve got some great links for you to check out this weekend but first I’m going to keep ya right here at The Fit Shack. There are success stories brewing in the lives of some smart reader of The Fit Shack but you might not know about them unless you’re subscribed to the comments in the posts I’m going to share with you. kdfj2 eou9 I encourage you to check these out because they are real people just like you and I, and they’re doing just great with their health and fitness goals. Super Motiva
5.2 KM
Last night before going out for a run, I bought some ankle support bandages. As you might know, I twisted my foot in a small scooter accident a few weeks ago. It’s doing better, but I ice it down daily and keep a bandage on it at most times. Running doesn’t hurt, but sometimes my foot will bend in a way that will hurt a little bit. Anyways, I’ve had worse injuries. Yesterday, I had two eggs with a little bit of bacon and cheese for breakfast. For lunch I had 1L of fresh OJ. Since I had eaten
Frustrated With Healthy Eating
Also Published On I Don’t Want to Die of a Heart Attack When I’m 25 Although I have been steadily losing weight, many of my food choices have not been very good these past few weeks. I’ve been thinking about going back to just having a cheat day once a week, so that I eat cleaner. Of course I want to continue losing weight, but I don’t want to do it eating sesame chicken and french fries everyday. It’s not just about fitting into size medium shirts for me, I want to be a healthy individual
Finally A Card....
Hello all..... I don't feel refreshed, but it sure felt nice to take a break. Here is a recap of my day today.... I dropped CY4 off to school, then off to the mall. I went shopping for a dress. We are going to a wedding this weekend, and CY3 would like for me to look GORGEOUS. I don't like clothes shopping. I don't like trying on clothes, and finding out that they don't fit me. I finally convinced myself to accept that I am no longer a size 7, but now a size 14... I knew for a while now, but I
'Livin' La Vida Low-Carb Show' Episode 153: Atkins Diet Expert Jackie Eberstein (Part 2)
Jackie Eberstein answers YOUR questions about the Atkins diet If you missed Part 1 of my podcast interview with Jackie Eberstein, then you really need to go back and take a listen. She is the foremost authority on the Atkins nutritional approach today having worked alongside the late great Dr. Robert C. Atkins for nearly 30 years and continues extending his legendary low-carb legacy at her fabulous "Controlled Carbohydrate Nutrition" web site long after his death. Jackie is a real asset to the
Money, Purslane, and Cross-border Shopping
1. My $100 bribe from the BC government has been deposited in my ING account. North American rail pass: $709Total saved so far: $150Total remaining: $5592. Tomorrow I am willingly partaking in the ultimate evil: cross border shopping at Colville's Wally World. This is actually a local shopping mecca because it's about an hour's drive and the food section alone is three times bigger than our largest local grocery store. The entire Wally World is three times the size of our local Wally World.
Comprehensive Weight Loss Sites 1
For this comprehensive list about the better weight loss sites, Changemaker has used the criteria that the site address the need for: Education that a lifestyle change needs to be permanent. Includes food, nutrition, and exercise. Has tools to help people measure food, calories, etc. A community to join with other dieters 1. My Food Diary.com which costs $9.00 monthly includes these tools: My Food Diary gives you the tools you need to make good, healthy decisions about food and exercise (in
Is Subway’s Jared Fogle Dead?
Is Jared Fogle, the “Subway Guyâ€, dead? ‘Jared S. Fogle , best known as the spokesman for Subway sandwich shop “The Subway Guy†Born December 1st, 1977 â€" Died yesterday at 4:43pm EST. The autopsy has not been performed, early medical reports indicate that he has died due to abnormal abdominal adhesions resulting from his 1998 gastric bypass surgery.’ Of course not! It’s a hoax. For reasons as yet unknown, rumours of Fogle’s death are spreading around the internet quicker than mayonnaise. F
Weight Loss Strategies - Use Your Camera
Taking pictures of yourself is an excellent strategy to help you lose and keep off unwanted pounds. The key to using this strategy effectively is knowing: Why you should take pictures of yourself, What type of pictures to take, and Where to put your pictures Why you should take pictures of yourself To compare yourself now to your "best" self - It is much easier to compare a current picture of yourself to your high school graduation picture, than it is ...
A 'Top Model''s Dramatic Weight Loss!
Then and now! Former plus-sized model Toccara Jones is skinny minny now! Toccara showed off her super-thin new frame at last night's 2008 BET Awards. The voluptuous beauty bragged about her curves on "America's Next Top Model: Cycle 3," but later competed on VH1's "Celebrity Fit Club 2" in 2005 to try and slim down. She was last seen on this year's follow-up, "Celebrity Fit Club: Boot Camp," where she started at 187 and finished at a svelte 166 pounds! [Read full story on The Insider]
Five Free Alternatives to Add or Remove Programs
The regular uninstaller of an application often leaves behind useless files and registry entries. This is one of the primary causes behind loss in performance of Windows over time. Not only that, the default Add/Remove applet is slow and as bare-bones as it gets. Here are five alternatives you should consider. MyUninstaller MyUninstaller from Nirsoft is a no-frills add/remove replacement whose main objective is to give you a light weight replacement to the default interface with a few extra
STORM FROM THE SHADOWS - Snippet 03: The Havenite commander didn't wait for the task force's fire to reach him. In fact, he fired at almost the same instant Honor's first salvo launched against him, and whereas Task force Eighty-Two had fired just under three hundred missiles at him, he fired the next best thing to eleven thousand in reply. "Damn," Commander Manfredi said almost mildly as the enemy returned more than thirty-six missiles for each one TF 82 had just fired at
Buying and Selling Services
Photo courtesy of iStockphoto, Ravi Tahilramani In a recent posting, Arun Purohit described an interesting disconnect between the sales approach of Indian outsourcers and the purchase approach of American (at least some) customers. I think he's spot on. In the article, Mr. Purohit describes an American customer that is seeking a specific product - lets call it a "round hole", and the Indian seller trying to push "square peg" solutions into it. Every customer need could be met "easily," even t
"But he SAID it was important to him!"
How often does someone tell you that their weight (or organic or the environment) is important to them, but then, when they have a chance to try a product or program that helps that, they flake? Research shows what we all know: there's almost always a disconnect between values people say they have, and what they actually do and spend money on. "A whopping majority of Americans shoppers may consider themselves environmentalists, but, according to the Journal of Industrial Ecology, only 10-12%
Frustrations with the Lack of Loss
I have been sticking to my exercise routine and have recently upped the duration and exertion in each session, but I am still frustrated with the lack of progress on my problem areas. My problem areas being every part of my body except my forehead, forearms, hands, and feet. I don't really need to lose any weight in any of those areas. I am seeing some funky veins and stuff on my forearms, but my gut and thighs still belong to a McDonald's Lifetime Eatcheivement Award winner. This is very disapp
Celiac Spruce or the horrors of eating in a Restaurant
Do you like to eat in restaurants? Do you have Celiac Spruce? If you find your eating problems unbearable read on. When you order your dinner in a restaurant this is the time to unwind, relax enjoy the moment. You are not doing the shopping, food preparation, serving or the cleanup. This is your time to be wined and dined, savor the moment. But what if when you walked into a restaurant and felt you were entering a mental war combat zone? When you know without looking that you can not eat an
Practical Tips to Lessen Fat in Food Part 2
More tips equals more fat lost! Listen up! 1.   When you see fat in the meat, trim it, even before you cook it! 2.   Choose lean! In shopping for meat, opt for the lean parts. A great clue is that if the cut ends in â€"loin, it’s lean! 3.   Flavor with herbs instead of sticky sauces that may have butter or margarine 4.   When cooking chicken, remove the skin! You know it’s where the oil soaks in! 5.   When possible, eat raw! Raw food doesn’t have to be cooked so you won’t be needing any
What to Eat on the 3D Dirty Diet
I am naming my eating plan the 3D dirty diet. I can't guarantee results - I can only tell you that it is working for me - 7 DAYS WITHOUT A BINGE and no urge for one. The longest I have gone in the past two months (yes I was bingeing pre-comp but I didn't tell anyone). Guidelines (no RULES) 1. Eat 5 meals a day 3-4 hours apart. Work this out before hand and have an external reminder to eat. I have my alarm on my watch tell me when it is time for a meal. You might need to put lunch closer
5 Tips For Summer Festival Fun
Here in my neck of the woods there is an endless supply of neighborhood cookouts, outdoors festivals and the like. While they are a lot of fun and a great way to meet new friends, it’s very easy to get off track. You start out the day hoping to score some homemade crafts and hear live music and the next thing you know you’ve eaten your way through a bag of kettle corn and are passed out in a beer tent. Here are some helpful tips on how to enjoy yourself but not overdo it. Pre-Game. No not on b
Eat Fat, Lose Fat: The Healthy Alternative to Trans Fats
Eat Fat, Lose Fat: The Healthy Alternative to Trans Fats by Mary Enig and Sally Fallon flouts conventional wisdom by revealing that so-called healthy vegetable oils (such as corn and soybean) are in large part responsible for our national obesity and health crisis, while the saturated fats traditionally considered “harmful†(from such foods as coconut, butter, and meat) are essential to weight loss and health. Just in time for the FDA’s new mandatory trans fats labeling, the three programs in t
A Great Fat Loss Solution
I'm going to share a little with you on a great fat loss solution. You'll notice that I said fat loss and not weight loss. There seems to be a diction issue with people because we typically aren't looking for weight loss. We just want that fat on our body gone. Losing weight on a scale and losing the fat on your body require totally different tactics and strategies. I'm going to show you how you do it to lose the fat.
New Obesity Treatment Blocks Vagus Nerve
Doctors are searching for less extreme and less invasive alternatives to bariatric surgery. Right now, there are 2 main bariatric surgery techniques. One is a bypass procedure that removes part of the stomach and reroutes the passage of food. The other puts a band around the top of the stomach to decrease its capacity to hold food. Both are major surgeries with the possibility of serious side effects. But now doctors are testing an implantable device which blocks the vagal nerve. It’s known
Dental Disease
Dental Disease Posted @ 1:57 pm Dental disease in pets is actually one of the most common and most overlooked pet diseases. Proper tooth and gum exams are now part of a regular veterinary visit because dental health is an essential aspect of your pet’s long-term health. Bad breath is the most common symptom of poor pet dental health. Some other symptoms include swollen gums, difficulty or pain when chewing, excess tartar, poor appetite, and weight loss. If your pet has gingivitis, you want
Why I am a fan of Leora Pinhas
She's a psychiatric director for the eating disorders program at the Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto. At the recent Canadian Pediatric Society Conference, Dr. Pinhas said two things that endeared her to me. First, she compared childhood eating disorders to cancer: "We have this thing that [they're] not really serious. But one in 10 will die. We need to act like it's a serious illness." Thank you, Dr. Pinhas.* And thank you even more for going on to put the question of eating disor
Fergie Shares Celebrity Weight Loss Regimen
Perhaps you’ve noticed: Fergie is frickin’ ripped. Her concerts alone will keep her in decent shape - but you don’t get that body without working out. Fergie and her trainer, Natasha, recently shared her awesome workout tips. Check it out below - and then get off the couch! Cardio training: A half-hour, 3-to-5-mile run or a 45-50 minute 5-mile run. Not necessarily at a very fast pace, however. Shoulders: Work the front and back of the shoulder, using 1.5-kg weights. Front raises for 2 minute
I can read you like a cook: A review of “Kitchen Literacyâ€
As the local-food movement broadens and more people find pleasure in shopping at the local farmers markets and/or in growing their own produce, we find more folks ‘fessing up to their lack of expertise. How do you know when a fruit or vegetable is ripe? What’s the difference between various cuts of meat? What’s in season when, and how best to cook or preserve it? Once upon a time, that knowledge lay more neatly within reach. When families grew their own food, raised their own livestock, or bou
Jenny Craig ads are coming down
Some of you have been asking me "What's up with the Jenny Craig ads? You said you don't like their program, and now you're supporting them. Huh?" I just noticed the ads today, and have asked my blog advertising network to take them down. I didn't realize Jenny Craig ads were coming into the inventory so that's my bad for not staying on top of that. You are correct, I'm not a fan of paid weight loss programs that rely on you eating their packaged foods in order to reach your goal. I'm okay wit
Episode 4x13 -- Shine On You Crazy Island by Anna
Hey All, How have you all been?? Well it has been about a month since the Season 4 finale aired and most of you are just itching for your LOST fixes. Well our good friend Anna was battling some health related problems right after the finale aired, but was finally able to crank out her special finale recap and once again it is a great read. The blog might be a little long, but is worth the wait and read. Once again she uses a great mix of screencaps and elements from the finale and previous e
run down
it has been a long, exhausting week. right now, i have a headache, and i’m fighting to stay awake. i can’t wait until 5 p.m. here are some pictures and a short video clip from the debate on tuesday. it was great fun, and the candidates said we had them sweating. that’s funny because i didn’t even get to ask my toughest questions. to add to the suckiness of this week, i’m not very pleased with my first week off the phentermine. i’m down 0.4 pounds from last week, but last week was durin
My new favorite thing to do online
I hate writing down what I eat. You lose the paper or, in my case, napkin you wrote all the food down on. You forget what you ate, you forget to write down what you ate â€" or both. If you’re like me, you hate looking up calorie contents on everything. Well, I found an online way to do all the calculating with minimual effort. I’ve been doing it two days now and it’s a big EYE OPENER that I wanted to share….. You should find a direct link if you look to the right of this blog page under the
No Wonder You Can't Lose Weight
You must uncover the true source of your weight loss difficulty in order to clear the road for body fat triumph. If you seek to enjoy fat loss status and keep it for almost any ongoing timeframe, then boosting your weight loss discernment or wisdom becomes paramount. On-shelf media, bookstores, online search details, and a plethora of other popular informational sources may all too easily give you gobs of well-founded or slightly off-based niceties from which to choose. Recognizing and weeding out the bad from the good, more than ever, becomes a necessary weight loss skill that also gives you monumental lifestyle advantage.
Memoir of fat camp a funny, heartfelt tale
The only summer camp I ever went to was Girl Scout camp. I don’t remember how old I was, or much about it at all, other than my cabin got the award for being the cleanest and I had a freak out when they tried to make me jump in the pool (I couldn’t then and still now can’t swim). But I imagine if I’d been a little older, and if I’d gone to a camp with boys, it would have been similar to the experiences Stephanie Klein shares in her new book Moose: A Memoir of Fat Camp. Except probably without
Weight Loss and Nutrition From a Mother's View
When you have a child, as a mother, you do everything possible to make sure your child is given the best nutrition available for that child. As your child grows, it's important to make sure your child is given a proper, nutritionally, well balanced meal even down to the snacks that your give your child fruit being a better more nutritional snack than say cookies or chips. You actually become your own nutritionist. Same goes for exercise and the overall well being of the child. So what happens to all of this knowledge when it comes down to taking care of ourselves and our own well being.
Women - What is Your Body's Baseline Calorie Requirement?
How many calories do you need just to maintain? If you go by the cereal box captions you could be way off! There are many factors to consider but there is a simple way to get a baseline, starting point. As a sports nutrition consultant, and a master's runner, I was curious at what the recent data tells us. It is clear to me that as I've aged, my calorie requirement has gone down. The good part about this is that you, or I can add additional calories to our diet by exercising more, or we can lose weight by eating the same and adding exercise to the equation. Let's talk details...
Eating to Live! How I Lost Over 140 Pounds All Naturally
I want you to know that I have struggled with my weight for over 15 years. I was squeezing into a size 26 dress and it was about to burst. Then I burst into tears and did not go back to that dress shop until (I vowed) I lost the weight I wanted to lose. I made an appointment with my homeopathic doctor, he prescribed a natural supplement and in 8 months (over 2 years ago) I had lost over 140 pounds. I went from a size 26 to a size 2. I wasalso cured of diabetes in the process of the weight loss. I can show you how I did it. I can tell you how I cook and eat to live now instead of living and cooking to eat. I am with you in your struggle. Sometimes I did not want to get out of bed because I dreaded the task of looking for something to wear. I hated going shopping for clothes because I hated going into the plus size section. Also, the disease of diabetes, that had taken out over half my family, was lurking behind my door. READ this article now
Grandmas vying for time with Zoie Laurelmae, Jodie Sweetin says
Calling their moms the "best babysitters in the world," Jodie Sweetin, 26, hit the town last night with husband Cody Herpin. While the couple "hate leaving" their daughter Zoie Laurelmae -- 11-weeks tomorrow -- behind, Jodie said they can do so with confidence thanks to some very dedicated family members. "Every time we leave the house...we have grandmas," she told People, adding "His mom won tonight, my mom had [Zoie] a couple of nights ago." Jodie -- who has been blogging about her postpa
Women's Health Online Offshoot Offers 'Flat, Sexy Abs' For $3.50 A Week
Women’s Health Online Offshoot Offers ‘Flat, Sexy Abs’ For $3.50 A Week By David Kaplan - Fri 27 Jun 2008 07:50 AM PST A lot of companies starting websites in the womens’ and health areas are aiming primarily on attracting ad dollars. But the established Women’s Health is betting that it can keep most of the content on its site free and attract subscription readers willing to pay a little more for extra advice on weight loss and eating right. The new site, called Fit Coach, will cost users
Planks and Vacuum Stomach All You Need For Your Abs
I have been away for a few days, I'vell been spending some days at the beach, the weather is hot, summer is on its way, and i just love the beach, the footba euro championship also started and so far so good, Portugal won the first two matches and the quality of the tournament is being good. Anyway being at the beach made me want to write about six pack abs, i wish lots of people could have a nice six pack to show, but that's not the case.
Use your iPhone to remotely control iTunes
Use your iPhone to remotely control iTunes I’ve thought for some time that it would be awesome if I could control iTunes from my iPhone. I tend to just let my tunes play throughout my house, as my speakers can be heard throughout most of the house. Unfortunately when I want to pause the music or change a song, I have to run to my computer. Well it seems that Apple already has something up their sleeve in this department. For those that have downloaded the pre-release version of iTunes 7.7 (for
Quick Body-Positive Hits
A big fat apology to those who have sent me emails recently. My professional email account is regularly deluged with some 700-something emails, a couple hundred of which I haven’t even read yet, so the last thing I want to do when I get home is check my three personal email accounts. If I haven’t responded to your email, it’s not because I’m ignoring you, but because I literally have a million gazillion things on my summer to-do list in the three oh-so-brief months I have off from academic tyra
Minka Kelly Not Too Concerned with Weight Loss
When it comes to celebrity diets and weight loss tips, Minka Kelly’s is simply this: love yourself, and don’t worry all that much about it. Don’t ask the Friday Night Lights star to get rid of her curves. “I’ve heard it all. ‘Lose weight, lose the booty.’ It’s not going anywhere though!†says the actress, who turned 28 this week. “I’m a healthy girl. I like to eat!†Sorry, guys. Minka Kelly is keeping those curves. The actress, who once dated John Mayer and has recently been linked to De
It is weird to talk about someone in the past tense. Even difficult that that someone is now relegated to the past tense never to be mentioned in the present and future tenses. He was funny. He was smart. He had character. He was so young. You wanted to hang out with him because he made sense and did not pander to posturing bullshit. Thaddeus Reantaso was all that. He was 32. The last time I saw Thaddeus or Tads I was walking in the crowded Palma Hall lobby at the heart of UP Diliman. This w
How to Lose Inches Off Your Waist Fast - For Busy Women
Here's how to lose inches off your waist fast. Perfect for busy women. To cover all the bases for you, I'm going to give you 1 BIG diet secret that's easy to do... AND it won't feel like you're on a diet... because you aren't on a diet. Next I'll give you my secret "GENERATIONAL" exercise... you'll see what I mean when I say generational to describe it. Finally, I'll give you neither a diet or exercise tip... to find out what the surprise is continue reading (hint, it'll help you lose 5-6 pounds in 11-13 days).
Why do you give me the run around?
Mom on the Run tagged me to do this, and I shall! Tagging is easy. Just copy the following onto your post. The rules of the game are posted at the start of your blog post. In this case, I’m asking you 5 questions about running. Each player answers the 5 questions on their own blog. At the end of your post you tag 5 other people and post their names. Go to their blogs and leave a comment on their blogs telling them they’ve been tagged and to look at your blog for details. When they’ve answered
My Health Week in Review
Back when I started this site, I measured my health progress every week… or at least I tried to. At some point life intervened and I found I couldn’t keep up with the schedule. I’ve found that I’m putting more work in my exercise of late, so I will look Overall Body Stats I woke up this morning and measured my body fat. As I always do, I used two scales - one that uses Bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA) from my feet, Tanita Body Fat Scale - and one that uses it from hands - Omron Handheld
Friday, June 27, 2008
One Forgotten Tip When it Comes to Your Mini Skirt Makeover
One of the keys to looking sexy in your mini skirt, improving your metabolism and increasing your Thermic Effect of Food during the day is to eat every 2 to 3 hours of your waking day, including consuming lean protein with each meal or snack. Researchers from Queen's Medical Centre in the United Kingdom reported that subjects who ate meals at irregular times showed significantly lower TEF than those who ate at regular times - i.e., every 2 to 3 hours during the waking day.
What do Governor Gregoire’s actions mean for local Countrywide employees and short selling homeowners?
Is Governor Gregoire just a little too late in regards to Countrywide’s lending tactics? Aren’t we merely days away from the Bank of America takeover? As I drove back to the office today after teaching yet another short sale class, I heard the news on KIRO 710 AM that Governor Gregoire is seeking to pull Countrywide’s lending license because of an investigation that uncovered predatory lending practices aimed at minorities. WA State will fine Countrywide 1 million dollars for discriminatory l
Gwen Stefani Loves the London Zoo
Gwen Stefani Loves the London Zoo Wed, 25 June 2008 A very pregnant Gwen Stefani, Gavin Rossdale and Kingston Rossdale visit London Zoo, England, Tuesday afternoon. They were joined by tennis legend Roger Federer, who is currently competing in Wimbledon. Gavin recently talked about his wife’s pregnancy and the pressures that come along with it. “Yeah, she does (feel under pressure). I mean, she’s just so dedicated and she’s just amazing with that stuff (weight loss). “It’s very hard bec
Clinton Portis channels four more figments of his imagination
Clinton Portis channels four more figments of his imagination Posted on Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 11:27:36 AM EST in NFL More on: Clinton Portis, NFL, Redskins, characters (all tags) Clinton Portis is a wild and crazy cat indeed. One of his absolute favorite things to do is dress up like its Halloween every time he does a press conference and being the fan friendly guy that he is, Portis is allowing you to choose which reincarnation attends. Here are your choices. Bud Foxx » Occupation:
Getting Abs For the Beach
I wanted to take the time to share some of the hardest knowledge I've learned. It was for getting abs for the beach. I always tried to get myself ready for the summer, but I just couldn't get it to work. I eventually learned that I wasn't doing the correct things. I was just doing misinformation that I probably picked up from an infomercial. I'm going to share with you a few things that really make results when it comes to abs.
The Judiciary Committee meets. So it goes.
As one of the few Pinkers who got through the Capitol cop dragnet outside of the House Judiciary Hearing today, I felt I should describe this scene. The Judiciary committee met today to revisit the infamous "Torture Memos" written by John Yoo and David Addington. This is the one with the quote about how it's okay up until pain "equivalent to organ failure." (I don't know how they quite figure that one. When you torture a subject, do you regularly check in: "so, do you feel like one of your
Video Games And Health Therapy Get A New Equation with Ubisoft
On one hand we have people pumping in $8.2 million to12 research teams to study and discover if there could really be any medical benefits from playing videogames. On the other hand we have Miyamoto telling us the Wii Fit should not be used as a fitness machine, but as a tool to make us aware of our body. However there is still another section that believes in the success of the Wii Fit and is introducing new titles with a healthy focus. The French game publisher Ubisoft's "Allen Carr's Easyway
Food. And Planning.
The latest WW cookbook "Secrets of Success - Our Slimmers Favourite Recipes". I spent a few hours yesterday organising my week food-wise. Someone spoke up at my Weight Watchers meeting and said that tracking points and planning meals takes up so much time. She asked the group if anyone had any tips on how to 'lighten' the burden? It can't be denied, planning does take time - but planning is an investment. You put in, so you get back. I'm the first to admit I'm not a natural planner. These day
What Is Your Biggest Motivation Sapper?
kdfj2 eou9 Ever since I first put up the poll asking you which topic you’d most like to have in an Ebook “How to Get and Stay Motivated†has been in the lead and now it’s an all-out winner. Tied for second are 4 other topics including the topics of sugar addiction and emotional eating. You can check out the full results below: Note: There is a poll embedded within this post, please visit the site to participate in this post’s poll. Thank you very much for voting, I’ve already started jot
Nibbles: More gym classes don’t help kids, Acomplia OK’d in UK, and unlocking the chocolate genome
More PE didn’t make kids skinnier Some people blame the increase in obese kids on the decrease of physical activity mandated by the schools, but a Canadian study showed that more gym classes didn’t make kids thinner. Researchers looked at 13 different trials, ranging in length from six months to three years, to determine if more exercise significantly changed the body mass index of participants. None of the studies, which included nearly 10,000 children in all, showed that the kids who got the
Weight loss helper - Omega-3
A new study reports that eating foods rich in Omega-3 may help you to lose weight. Omega-3 boosts satiety during weight loss: study says: “‘The most important finding of this study is that subjects who eat a dinner rich in long chain omega-3 fatty acids feel less hunger and more full directly after and 2 hours after then their counterparts fed with the low long chain omega-3 fatty acids diet,’ wrote the authors. ‘This observation indicates that long chain omega-3 fatty acids modulate hunge
SuperYid Youkilis Drubs The Hardly Punchless RedBirds [Purple Prose]
Slate's Robert Weintraub, like many of us, loves the old purple prose of early 1900s sportswriting, the Grantland Rices, the men who painted epic tales of warriors, grizzled combatants and lardywarks too manly to wear gloves. In an occasional series, Weintraub writes about the week's best baseball game in the style of the vaunted sportswriters of yesteryear. This week: The Red Sox 13-inning win over the Cardinals on Sunday. In a swampy soup more Bayou than Beantown, God’s Tears threatened to f
Wii Fit Gets Results
If you doubt the effectiveness of Nintendo’s Wii system for getting in shape - think again. Micky DeLorenzo, the man who lost 9 pounds only “working out†with Wii Sports has beat his former personal best. DeLorenzo worked out solely using the new Wii Fit, and after 45 days he dropped a whole 15 pounds. In the process his body fat dipped down to 18.4% from 20.8%. Engadget reports: Of course, DeLorenzo admits that doing anything involving movement an extra 60 minutes a day will result in some
Jennifer Nicole Lee Fitness Model Program Review - Is This Fitness Program a Scam?
You may have heard of the Fitness Model Program that claims to be able to help anyone achieve the lean and slim bodies that fitness models have. This fitness program is created by the famous model Jennifer Nicole Lee, but does that necessarily make the program good? Having been struggling to lose that last few pounds of fat on my body for a long time, I decided to try out this program hoping that it would deliver the results that Jennifer claims is possible.
Cleanse, schmeanse.
Oprah's doing it. Dooce tried it. I've heard talk of it for years now. But after reading a bit of the sugary (no pun intended) blog of the former and the wrenchingly honest blog of the latter... no thank you. It's common knowledge that the SAD (Standard American Diet) has taken a huge plunge into the depths of digestive hell, and we are ALL guilty of our vices. Chocolate, alcohol, fried food, processed food, salt, fat, sugar, smother-it-in-Ranch, whathaveyou. But I cannot possibly fathom hav
Pure Weight Loss: A Letter to CEO Vahan Karian
(FranchisePick.Com) Also read: HOW MUCH DOES PURE WEIGHT LOSS OWE YOU?, PURE WEIGHT LOSS CUSTOMERS: SHARE NEWS & OPINIONS HERE, Pure Weight Loss to Close All 400 Locations There’s a new website called Dear Vahan that invites both employee and member victims of Pure Weight Loss and/or LA Weight Loss to share a message to be shared with that company’s CEO Vahan Karian (aka Vahan Karabajakian). This letter to Vahan Karian from a loyal employee named Sandra Ritter shows the effect that an
Why Can’t I Lose Weight?
Have you asked this question to yourself? Why are the extra pounds so hard to shed? Research websites like naturalnews.com site these 4 reasons as the bulge culprits: 1.   Lack of Exercise and Bad Eating Habits- You’ve probably heard this before,- it’s not enough to cut calories. Exercise has to be integrated to your program to speed up your metabolism, and to build up muscle that does the same. This, coupled with too much consumption of junk and fast food ultimately leads to weight gain. 2.
"Why would I buy from you? YOU don't look healthy yourself."
Does your appearance interfere with your sales? Last year we had quite a controversy when I reported a comment an old friend of mine made earlier that year. I'd taken her to a local meeting of one of the big mlm nutrition companies. Several thousand reps were in attendance to learn more about the science behind their products. After mixing with folks around the main auditorium, and meeting a dozen or so people I knew, she asked me: "Kim, these people don't look healthy to me. They're mostly ov
Losing Weight With Cardio Workouts
Losing Weight With Cardio Workouts Filed under: Anything Goes, Fitness, Health To lose weight safely and naturally you need to burn more calories than you take in. Even if you don’t eat very much you won’t lose weight if you aren’t active enough to burn the calories necessary to create this calorie deficit. To help your body burn the extra calories needed for weight loss you need to do cardiovascular workouts a few times per week. Once you start performing regular cardio workouts you should s
Pluto in Capricorn and Indigo Children
By Dr Dawne Kovan Every time I pick up an astrological journal or even an ordinary newspaper, I read doom and gloom articles that seem designed to send us even deeper into a slough of despond. The recession, the major shifts in corporate power, modern slavery - all coming as the inevitable result of Pluto entering Capricorn. I tend to look at life somewhat differently - in that I see it as a process of developing and shifting social and technological mores and values. I also work with the Law